Polish Fashion Trends


Since the seventeenth century, polish was a part of European fashion. The polish or glaze finish on metals like iron and silver made them look attractive, while the same finish on other materials like cloths, glasses and ceramics added to their richness. Polish could either be a dark natural looking finish, which was popular during the renaissance and baroque times, or a lighter finish which was more fashionable in the late eighteen hundreds. Polish was originally made from a mixture of different chemicals like lampblack, then ground walnut shells, saltpeter and walnut flower.

In the late nineteenth century, things started to change, and polish became more popular in many other parts of Europe, including Russia and Germany. German and Russian industrialization soon gave birth to similar mass-produced goods, but in Germany and Russia there were also mass organisations of workers, and the same economic pressures, which forced changes in Polish production too. As a result, polish fell out of favour for a while, until the late twentieth century when it reappeared due to the increased demand. Nowadays, polish fashion trends concentrate on polka dots, geometric patterns and simple, elegant dresses.

In the nineteenth century, Polish designers brought polka dots and floral designs into shirts, blouses and other formal clothing. In fact, Polish designers have some of the best outfits in the fashion industry, including long dresses, summer dresses, wedding dresses and evening gowns. They use colours like red, yellow and orange, which are often seen in Polish national costume. Polish designers also create unique, modern designs based on rich palettes of colours, using such colours as purple, black, brown, sand and brown.
